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Did you know, 98.2% of all natural Latex Sleepers say they will purchase again,
Unlike traditional coil mattresses where the consumer is left unsatisfied, they tend to go from brand to brand looking for the right mattress but in the end only purchasing exactly what they had previously with a different cover and label. What a Shame the mattress business is in disarray.

why choose Naturelle sleep products
Naturelle Organic beds is A manufacturer and Wholesale distributor of certified organic latex, Our online store were created as A source offering consumers the ability to purchase High quality Organic Certified products at deeply discounted prices. When we scoured retailers looking for Organic latex, we found most didn't even have the real thing! But rather blended latex and poly foam base with latex toppers created inferior mattresses. At Naturelle we do NOT sell anything other than 100% Pure Natural organic Latex Mattresses

Are Natural Mattresses 100% Natural and Organic Latex ?
Yes, Naturelle produces and sell's only 100% Natural and Organic Certified Latex products. We do not have blended foams or hybrid products. Only the Finest talalay and dunlop latex go into our mattresses. Rest assured all Naturelle products come with a Certificate by ECO - GOLS, Carbon Certification and Oeko Tex the worlds most reliable certifications

Secure ordering & payment options
Feel confident when ordering thru Naturelle organic beds, as we use secure credit card processing also you can select "Phone Order option and we will call you to process your payment over the phone. We prefer to capture payment when your order is processing
rather than at time of placing your order online.

Comfort Guarantee,
Feel confident when ordering Naturelle products, as we offer 90 Nights Comfort Guarantee.
Try any Naturelle Organic Bed, and during your comfort guarantee of 90 Nights if you where to want to change the firmness, give us a call.
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